Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Feast of Trumpets

            This week marks the fifth of the seven feasts of the Lord commanded in Lev. 23, called the Feast of Trumpets.  It marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year and is celebrated by blowing of the Shofar.  It also begins the “ten days of awe”, a time of introspection and self-examination leading up to the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.
            There is much speculation about the Feast of Trumpets.  Many scholars hold that it will be the time when Jesus returns as King and sets up His earthly dominion.  For the most part, most Christians are not aware of this feast and ignore it completely.
            For me, it is a time to particularly pray for my Jewish cousins that their eyes would be opened to the awesome work Yeshua has done for each of us in His life and death.  This time of year many Jewish people are more spiritually sensitive as they soberly examine their lives.  What a wonderful time to pray that Holy Spirit will bring conviction of sin to their hearts and that they will turn to Yeshua and be saved.  All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved!
            With all the huge, historic things that have happened at the UN this past week, this is a great time to pray that people will humble themselves and pray and be healed.  May they truly hear the Shofar of heaven, calling them to repentance before God Almighty.

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