Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A sample prayer

            Father, let the Fear of God be upon the leaders of the nations.  As delegates gather in New York this month, may the fear of the Lord come strongly on them.  May they make no resolutions that are contrary to Your will and the covenants You have made with Your people.  Even if they do not honor You or have knowledge of You, cause the fear of the Lord to shape their decisions.  Just as you raised up King Cyrus to decree a return of Your people to Israel, so raise up delegates who will look with favor on Israel. 
            Confuse all schemes that are against Israel.  As You confused the languages of man at the Tower of Babel, so throw into confusion any and all plans that would be contrary to Your will for Israel. 
            Cause Israel’s leaders to recognize that it is not by their military might or by their wisdom that they will succeed, but only by Your Spirit.  May they bow humbly before You, seek Your guidance, and stand firm on Your counsel.
            In Yeshua’s Name.  Amen.

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