Sunday, January 8, 2012

Calling us twice.

            A wonderful article by Moshe Morrison in the January issue of Tikkun Newsletter cites seven times when God called someone by using their name twice.  These included Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Simon Peter, Saul (Paul) and Martha.  He points out that each of these except Martha were at key, pivotal moments in the history of the people of Israel or the Church.  Abraham’s call kept him from slaying Isaac and allowed Jehovah Jireh to be the fulfillment of the covenant.  Jacob was reassured that the move to Egypt was God’s idea.  Moses’ call began the deliverance of the nation of Israel from slavery.  When God called Samuel it was the beginning of the prophetic period of the First Testament.  Jesus called Simon, Simon to warn him of Satan’s plans to sift him but reassured him that He, Jesus, had prayed for him and charged him with strengthening his brothers—a commissioning of Peter as a leader in the early Church.  Saul’s call knocked him off his horse and forever changed him and the direction of the Gospel to include the Gentiles!
            The call to Martha doesn’t seem to carry the importance or weight of the other six, but on reflection, it is of critical importance.  Jesus invited Martha to join her sister, Mary, in sitting at his feet to learn from him and soak up his presence.  He called it “the good part” that would not be taken away from her.
            Jesus calls each of us into intimacy with himself.  He even warns us that there will be those who claim to do all sorts of miracles in his name who will be excluded from entering his rest because they never “knew” him.  It is not enough to just know about Jesus.  We must get to know him personally.  We must sit at his feet, behold his amazing beauty, drink in his worth.  Truly this qualifies as the “one thing” of Ps. 27:4. 
            Have you heard Jesus calling?  It could be one of the most life-changing moments of your life.

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